Sunday, January 11, 2009

Verse & Harmony | Friday, January 9, 2009 | Photos

Stage art provided by Karl Whitaker.

Al Soto, a poet.

Dee Ogee featuring Isac Esquivel & Octavio Gonzalez. (

Andrew Mammei, a V&H pioneer.

Traveling Luke Heflee from Philadelphia, PA.

Josh Nilles, his second time at V&H.

Aislin and her dad.

Raquel Lopez, a V&H regular.

Josh Ronquillo, the Hacienda Heights Unknown Revolution.

Paul Escarsega, also from Hacienda Heights.

Iva Ramirez showed her artwork and read some poetry.

Josh Saenz, 13 years old and up-and-coming.

Josh Cohen got his commercial poetic license.

Lawrence Barrett, a V&H regular.

Ray Ramos, the unplugged poet.

The talented Nancy Green.

Jesse Edwards, a V&H regular.

Mauricio Gonzalez and Nancy Green.

A jam session featuring Luke Heflee, Maurio Gonzalez (hidden), Julio, Rocky "Skins" Melendez...

...Arturo Enriquez (and Luke again).

The very animated Jay.

Herman Campos from far East.

What can I say about this month's issue of Verse & Harmony? Besides having four guys named Josh up on stage, it was another great poetic and musical show. This time we had visual art decorating the space. V&H has been on organic fire since our coffeehouse days. It was packed...SRO...with a line outside waiting to get inside. I'm sorry that everybody (including Lucille Zavala and her crew) didn't get in. All I can say is that you need to come early if you want to get in and participate in the movement. Also, be sure to support Rulis' International Kitchen who provide this really nice space by bringing them your dining business. Until next month, peace out!


Christine said...

Pictures, pictures more pictures

So wonderful to see something like this happening in Chuco. I love seeing raza in pictures. Mexicans with a book in their hands is not something the general public is used to seeing. Keep up the good work and keep posting!

El Luchador said...

Christine, thanks for your nice and positive comments, plus featuring us on your blog. V&H is a bit of work and commitment but we really have a blast hosting it. It is really amazing all this talent that shows up every month.

Rockyroxx said...

You have to try the Potato poblano soup, bueno y picoso!